Two Students Shot and Killed in Aztec High School Shooting

New Mexico High School Shooting

The town of Aztec, New Mexico, located on the state’s Northern border with Colorado was rocked as the small town’s High School with a population of 1,000 students was targeted in yet another mass shooting attempt.

Currently, the only information known about the subject is that he is a male, but it has not been released whether or not he was a student or an adult. What is clear, though, is that at around 8:00 AM the man walked into Aztec High School and fired three shots according to a student eyewitness. These three shots took the lives of three people. Two students and the shooter himself.

It is still early on in the case to piece together the “why” and the “how” that this happened, but we know thanks to Governor Susana Martinez that “There were several acts of bravery by staff members, teachers, and students that were amazing… that actually saved lives,”

It is not clear if this meant, as it did in the recent Sutherland Springs mass shooting that an armed citizen helped put a stop to this, but considering it took place in a school that is very unlikely.

At this point with such a fresh wound and so many unanswered questions, the city of Aztec is in the process of mourning the loss they have felt. There are candlelight vigils all over the town in remembrance of the victims and the state has issued $120,000 for counselors and security to help the students of Aztec High in these troubling times.

As for what other people can do to assist, donating is always a fair answer to times like these, but what might be of more help is to make sure that you become one of the shining lights in your community and make sure that you can be a Guardian to watch over others and make sure something like this does not happen to you or those you love.

What do you think of this story? Let us know your thoughts on it as well as your thoughts for the families affected by this tragedy below.


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