Gun News
Republican State Representative Splits with Former Anti-Gun Sentiments
A gun control advocacy group, Everytown for Gun Safety, that poured $216,500 into New Mexico’s 2016 legislative elections is finding that one of the politicians they donated to is giving them a tough time on a bill expanding background checks for gun sales.
Read MoreConcealed Carry Holders Do Not Approach Criminals Because of You Suspect They Stole Property
When he approached the car he heard one of them say to the other “did you get anything?” He thought this was a reference to a robbery they MAY have committed when in fact they were referring to a video game they were playing on their phones.
Read MoreNew Mexico Concealed Weapons Permit Now Honored in Nevada
A new law from 2015 has changed the way Nevada and New Mexico honor each other’s concealed carry permits.
Read MoreNew Mexico Legislature Passes House Bill 336 For NICS Compliance
House Bill 336 ensures that individuals who are prohibiting from possessing firearms will be submitted to and added to the NICS background check database.
Read MoreEmployees Now Allowed to Carry Concealed in Otero County Buildings
This seemed to be a natural change to be made because regardless of the previous restriction placed on county employees, nothing prohibited non-employees who were visiting county buildings from carrying concealed or open on the county property. Thus the public had a right to carry where the employees of the building did not.
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